🇪🇸 Las primeras orquídeas, águila culebrera, milano negro, lince ibérico, larvas de sapo corredor y sapillo pintojo, buitre negro, águila imperial ibérica, cabra montés, águila real, culebra bastarda, culebra de escalera, lagartija andaluza, culebra viperina, rabilargo ibérico, pito real ibérico, mochuelo europeo, críalo europeo, ciervo ibérico, gamo, muflón, jabalí con crías, buitre leonado, chova piquirroja, roquero solitario, gorrión chillón... la lista de especies que observamos durante nuestras salidas en Sierra Morena de Jaén es interminable, y nuestr@s guías han pasado unas fantásticas jornadas mostrándola a diversos grupos procedentes de #Málaga, #Guadalajara, #Jaén, #Vigo, #Huesca, #ReinoUnido o #Portugal.
El #ecoturismo es un tipo de turismo #sostenible que revierte de forma positiva en el territorio, ayudando a conocer y conservar las especies, y a fijar población en la zona.
Ecoturismo = empleo igualitario
🇬🇧 The first orchids, golden eagle, black kite, Iberian lynx, natterjack toad and iberian painted frog larvae, black vulture, Spanish imperial eagle, Spanish ibex, golden eagle, Montpellier snake, ladder snake, Andalusian lizard, viperine snake, azure winged magpie, iberian green woodpecker, little owl, great spotted cuckoo, red deer, fallow deer, mouflon, wild boar with youngs, griffon vulture, red billed chough, blue rock thrush, rock sparrow ... the list of species we observed during our trips in Sierra Morena in Jaén is endless, and our guides have spent some fantastic days showing it to different groups from #Málaga, #Guadalajara, #Jaén, #Vigo, #Huesca, #UnitedKingdom or #Portugal.
The #ecotourism is a kind of #sustainable tourism that reverts positively in the territory, helping to know and conserve the species, and fixing the population in the area.
Ecotourism = equal employment
www.birdslynxecotourism.com info@birdslynxecotourism.com